Online Geography Tuition in Sayliyah

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A selection of Sayliyah Geography teachers

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Stewart B

Mr Stewart B

Subjects taught:
National Award for Special Education Needs Coordination, University of Northampton (2015). PGCE Geography, Institute of Education, London (2002). BSc (Hons) Geography, University of Wales, Aberystwyth (2001).
Julie W

Mrs Julie W

Subjects taught:
English, English Language, English Literature, University Entrance
PGCE English with Drama (secondary), Westminster College, Oxford University (1993). BA (Hons) English and History, The University of Kent at Canterbury (1992).
Helen P

Miss Helen P

Subjects taught:
Primary, SEN, EFL or ESL, Study Skills
National Award For SENCO. PGCE Primary Education. BA (Hons) Early Childhood Studies/Childhood, Liverpool John Moores. Early Years Professional Status. University Of Manchester Certificate In Education. CCET/AAC. External Verifier Certified.
Benjamin F

Mr Benjamin F

Subjects taught:
Primary, English, Maths, SATs, 11+, 13+, Common Entrance Exams, School Entrance Exams
PGCE Primary (Mathematics Specialism) University of Worcester (2017). BA (Hons) Youth & Community Education, Exeter University (2007). BA (Hons) Business Studies, Nottingham University (1998).
Janice W

Miss Janice W

Subjects taught:
Primary, SEN, Maths, Computer Science, SATs, Homeschool, IT Skills
Postgraduate Certificate in Specific Learning Difficulties (Dyslexia), including AMBDA. Postgraduate Certificate in Special Educational Needs (SENCO) University of Plymouth (2012). PGCE Primary Mathematics, University of Exeter (1990). BSc (Hons) Combined Studies, Plymouth Polytechnic (1985).

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What is Geography?

Geography is the study of the places and environments around us and the interaction between the people and these places and environments. Geography can be considered to be two broad areas. Physical Geography looks at the characteristics of the Earth at its surface and the atmosphere, such as seasons, climate, land, rivers and oceans. Human Geography is concerned with the relationship between people and how they live and operate in the different environments; populations, cultures, resources, political and economic activity. These two areas are not mutually exclusive; for example, a volcanic eruption can impact on both the surrounding environment and the behaviour of the people who live locally.

GCSE Geography Tuition

Geography at GCSE studies the Physical and Human Environments. In Physical Geography topics such as Plate Tectonics, Rivers and Coastlines, Climate Change and Sustaining the Environment are core topics across the Exam Boards. For Human Geography Urban Issues, the challenges and consequences of a changing Economic World and the Use and Management of Resources are frequently studied. There is also a fieldwork element (except for IGCSE), which involve the collection of data about a particular topic area, which may be Physical e.g. about rivers or coastlines, or human e.g. use of transport in cities. Primary (first hand) and Secondary data are collected, statistically analysed and presented in a report with the aid of appropriate graphs and diagrams.

Typically, there are three exam papers set, each between an hour and 90 minutes long, one based on Physical Geography: one on Human Geography and one on fieldwork and related issues.

A-Level Geography Tuition

Geography at A-Level builds on and extends the Physical and Human Geography themes studied at GCSE. Core Physical Geography themes include water and carbon cycles; Human geography themes global systems and changing places. Exams may be three 2-hour papers covering physical, human and synoptic questions, which bring together topics from across the specification, plus a 3000 to 4000-word report based on an extensive fieldwork investigation.

A-Level Geography can be useful for studying Geography, Environmental Science, Archaeology, Civil Engineering, Geology, Sociology.

Geography is an excellent foundation for careers such as Environmental Planning, Meteorology, Surveying, Teaching, Conservation, Tourism, Armed Forces or Police.
