Online Anxiety Disorder Tuition in Kuala-lumpur

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Group tuition from £20 ph

Team up with other families to create a small tuition group at your home or online. Children should be of similar ages, abilities and ambitions. The tuition fee will automatically be divided equally among your group. Learn more


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We're almost certain you will be happy with your choice of teacher, but if the first lesson is not a success, for whatever reason, you will not be charged for the lesson and we will immediately look to find you an alternative teacher.

A selection of Kuala-lumpur Anxiety Disorder teachers

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Philip R

Mr Philip R

Subjects taught:
Economics, Business
PGCE Economics, Corpus Christi, Cambridge University (1977). BA(Hons) Economics, University of East Anglia, Cambridge (1976).
Nicole K

Ms Nicole K

Subjects taught:
MA International Education (2023). PGCE Mathematics (2014). MEng Aerospace Engineering (2010).
Heather A

Mrs Heather A

Subjects taught:
Maths, Business, Study Skills, Homeschool, SATs, IT Skills
MA in Education, Edge Hill University (2016). BSc Mathematics, The Open University (1995). PGCE Business Education, University of the West of England (1986). BA International Business, Northumbria University (1986).
Jill M

Ms Jill M

Subjects taught:
Primary, SEN, English, Maths, School Entrance Exams, 11+, English Language, Homeschool, English Literature, SATs, Study Skills
PG Certificate, Management in Teaching, University of Bath (2006). PG Dip, Primary, Bath Spa University (1996). PGCE Secondary English, University of Southampton (1978). BA (Hons) English, University of Southampton (1977).
Gemma M

Mrs Gemma M

Subjects taught:
Primary, SEN, SATs
PGCE University of Southampton (2012), BA Geography University of Southampton (2011).

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What is Anxiety Disorder?

It is normal for your child to feel worried or anxious from time to time, such as when they're moving home or starting at a new school. Separation anxiety is most common in younger children, whereas older children and teenagers tend to worry more about school or have social anxiety.

Symptoms in children and teenagers

Symptoms of anxiety in children include: finding it hard to concentrate; not sleeping, or waking in the night with bad dreams; quickly getting angry or irritable; constantly worrying or having negative thoughts; feeling tense and fidgety; using the toilet often; not eating properly; being clingy; always crying; complaining of tummy aches and feeling unwell.

For some children, their anxiety can be more significant, affecting their behaviour and thoughts every day, interfering with their social, home and school life. This is when you may need professional help to support your child.

Advice for Parents

If your child is having problems with anxiety, there's plenty you can do to help:

  • Talk to your child about their anxiety or worries, reassure them, and show them you understand how they feel.
  • If your child is old enough, explain what anxiety is and describe some of the physical effects it has. Anxiety is like a wave that builds up and then ebbs away again.
  • If you know a big change is coming up, such as a house move or a new school, then prepare your child by talking to them about what is going to happen and why.
  • If your child's anxiety is severe, persists, and interferes with their everyday life, then a visit to a GP is the best first step.
  • If your child's anxiety is also affecting their school life, then talk to your school and make sure they are fully aware of the situation and the support needed.